Surya Shrivastava

Evolve Bit by Bit

Make small Goals to reach your Ultimate Milestone. Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success. Just Believe in Yourselves .

About Me

Hello ! I am Surya Shrivastava

I am currently persuing Computer Science Engineering from Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences Jabalpur. I am at my learning phase of life and have keen interest in front-end web development.Currently I am working on my development skills and focusing on Problem Solving in DSA.

Let's Connect

Connect with Me on these Handles.


You can Connect with me on Codechef. It's a great platform for programmers as We can take part in numerous contest happening here and can improve our programming skills.


You can Connect with me on HackerRank. It's a great platform where you can improve your Problem Solving Skills. Currently I am working on my DSA Problem Solving.


You can Connect with me on Linkedin. Here I will be posting about Projects I am working on , Certifications ,Courses and Will be updating you with my Professional Status.


You can Connect with me on Instagram. Here you can know more about me personally.


You can Connect with me on Github.Here you can find Code for my Projects.And I will be updating you with my new Projects.


You can Connect with me on Twitter. Here We can build a strong

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